7 Mistakes to Avoid when Building Your Home

7 Mistakes to Avoid when Building Your Home

Building a home may be overwhelming as well as challenging. It is a big deal especially if you are putting in a lot of funds into it. There are so many factors you need take into account and things to concentrate on when building your own house. But somewhere along the journey, people tend to commit a lot of mistakes which you can learn from now. So, here is a list of mistakes you can avoid making while in the same boat.



  • Not taking delays into account


This is almost always the case. A house is rarely ever built within the time frame that was agreed on. Unexpected situations may arise as not every matter is in your hands. Or, it could be that your time calculations were totally incorrect.

Thus, don’t be disappointed if you were expecting your home to be ready by December 2017 so you can start the new year in the new house and it got postponed to March. It is nothing new in the building business.



  • Not inspecting the location


You absolutely must do a thorough check of the locality you will be moving into. Remember the episode of How I Met Your Mother called Dowisetrepla? That was also the name of the neighborhood the couple, Marshall and Lily bought their home in. But after moving in, they realize what it is actually named after – DOwnWInd of the SEwage TREatment PLAnt.


Avoid future nightmares by inspecting your neighborhood completely. Is it safe? Is it child-friendly? Is it close to necessities such as grocery stores or pharmacies? These are the questions that need to be answered beforehand.



  • Not planning space correctly


You need to plan on how big each bedroom needs to be or you will end up with the master bedroom taking the most space, leaving perhaps the guest room with space just enough to place a bed. Odd, won’t it be? Spacing depends on a number of factors. For instance, the frequency of guests in the house. If you will be having quests often, you should emphasize on having bigger living room and T.V. rooms to entertain them. Remember to take storage areas into consideration too. Do you have kids? If yes, you need a spacious area they can play around in. Otherwise, they will end up knocking lamps off whilst playing hide and seek in the living room.



  • Not concentrating on the lighting


Light adds so much more to your home, both natural and otherwise. Natural light i.e. sunlight is always a good idea! Try to let in as much sunlight into your home with big windows facing landscapes rather than that big banana tree right outside. A gloomy house is often associated with darkness, depression and negativity whereas bright light brings in a positive vibe and fills the area with a different energy altogether.



  • Not looking into piping


Doing a good job with piping and duct work early into the house work will definitely prove to be beneficial. Also, it is only sensible to get done with this before you close the walls. The duct work, if done carelessly, will leave you with life-long plumber visits and added expenses along with the horrendous inconvenience.



  • Not matching your furniture with your home design


Are you really going to select an orange couch for the pink walls? No, it just doesn’t go together. You need to pick the right kind of wall hangings, show pieces and other accessories that complement the design of the house. No matter how well done the house is, if you accessorize it wrongly, it is going to ruin the look!


  1. Not listening to the professionals

Regardless of how well planned the house is in your head, you are no professional and hence may miss out on important technical aspects. This is why consulting and heeding advice of a professional is certainly recommended. Do not assume that your house won’t be in your control if you bring in such professionals. In fact, they can even help you figure out what you want best. For example, when it comes to your kitchen, check out Vision One Homes kitchen layout tips.



  • Not thinking of long-term


A lot of people make this mistake of keeping only the near future in mind when building their home. Chances are that you would be in this house till you grow old. And then you would regret a few things you seem to love right now. For example, a 3-storey building will be dreaded by a 70-year old who finds it hard to walk even three steps on flat surfaces.

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