I have a very active toddler. He wakes up at 5:30 and couldn’t wait to start his day. I am lucky if he lets me sleep till 6 a.m. Thanks to my vitamins, I am able to keep up with him.
Toddlers love to explore and play. They also get bored easily. That is why if you have a toddler in your home, you have to prepare different kinds of activities that will allow them to enjoy, and get distracted long enough for them to get tired, and rest for the day. Here are some ideas that parents all over the world recommend as well.
Image courtest of David Castillo Dominici via www.freedigitalphotos.net
Dos and Don’ts:
Before starting any activity with your toddler, make sure that the materials you are going to use is not a choking hazard. Toddlers love to put things inside their mouth, and letting them handle a small, toxic material is simply irresponsible. Also, supervise them throughout the whole activity so they will stay safe, and contented.
Top 3 Activities:
Stick Them All: Finger painting with your toddler is fun, but for some reason, the moment you glance away, the paint has a way of finding itself inside their mouth. For this reason, if you want to go for art, but are scared that your child will eat or taste the paint, then just stick to stickers. Buy big colorful stickers that your child will like. It may come in the form of different animals, or characters that they watch on TV like the Veggie Tales, Spongebob, etc. Let your kid stick it on a piece of paper, or even your skin.
Camping Inside: Own a small tent? If you do, simply put it up on an area inside your home. Take lots of pillows and your children’s toys, and put them inside. Get a flashlight and create a makeshift light inside as well. By the time your toddler sees what you are up to, he will scream in delight. He will feel that you are out camping and having an adventure instead of being right inside the house.
Cooking With Mama: Another fun activity you can do with your toddler is cooking. Do not worry; he will not handle the stove or a knife. Instead, ask him to whisk the egg, or mix something up, like a cookie mix or dough. Instead of being left out when you are cooking, he will enjoy it too. He will also be happy when he sees the finished product because he contributed to it.
Playtime with your toddler does not have to be boring or dangerous. Allow him to explore while keeping a watchful eye on him while doing the activities stated. By the end of the day, both of you will be tired, yet contented.
One of our grandson’s favorite thing to do is to make “Forts” out of blankets…he’ll play in it forever! Fun to let them use their imagination!
My daughter is very active and constantly on the go. It’s hard to get her to sit still for anything.