Quality Outdoor and Travel Tools for Tots from SnoozeShade

The outdoors is a great way for kids to learn about nature. Even babies who aren’t able to walk yet can benefit from an outdoor stroll once in a while. My husband and I would sometimes take Sean for a stroll in the park or around our farm so he could have his own outdoor  experience even before he learns how to walk. Knowing that there are also outdoor elements that can harm my baby, I always make sure that my little Sean is well protected whenever we venture out. A stroller, protective clothing, sunshade and a fully equipped diaper bag are musts for all our outdoor trips.

One of my best finds for Sean’s outdoor gear is a sunshade for his stroller. It is a Deluxe version of the sun and sleep shade from the SnoozeShade brand or the SnoozeShade Plus – Deluxe. This sunshade model fits Sean’s single stroller perfectly and it is effective in protecting him not just from the sun but also from insect bites, wind and rain. The $59.99 plus shipping fee is a small price to pay for quality and protection benefits for babies and toddlersSnoozeShade Plus Deluxe lookout mode

SnoozeShade Plus Deluxe pic 3

The SnoozeShade Plus – Deluxe’s high quality mesh material is made from soft, breathable, and premium stretch fabric. This protective mesh allows Sean to view the outside in the comfort of hi zipped nook. There is also an outer snooze panel that can be brought up to block the light and other outside elements and create a sleep-friendly environment for the tots. The fact that it has been tested and passed all relevant safety standards, endorsed by international baby sleep experts, and approved by the Infant & Nursery Association of Australia provide additional quality assurance for mom’s like me who only want the best for our little ones.


  1. I love snoozeshade. I gave the one I got to a friend who just gave birth and she loves it.

  2. This is definitely a good one for Moms with small tots.

  3. That would also be very useful when it suddenly rains when you’re out. This would be quite handy for those who still have toddlers and babies.

  4. This is such a useful product to have for the strollers. I can understand about the need of this product for strollers. It is a must! Sounds like a great quality too.

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